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Tinnitus Week 2025 – survey launch

Tinnitus Week 2025 survey targeting audiologists in NHS and private practise, as well as Audiology lecturers, launched today. The surveys close on 28 November 2024.

By Joanna March · October 25, 2024

Graphic image showing a young woman with long brown hair, wearing glasses and a white medical coat with a light blue blouse underneath. She is holding an otoscope. Behind her is a coral coloured stylised soundwave. The text says "Audiologist? Help us help you - complete our survey today"

Tinnitus Week 2025 – survey launch

Tinnitus UK is calling on audiologists working in the NHS and private sector, as well as lecturers delivering audiology training, to complete a questionnaire that will inform a significant piece of research to be published during Tinnitus Week in February 2025. We are hoping that the responses we receive will enable us to learn more about how audiologists currently support people living with tinnitus.

The data collected from the surveys will play a vital role in helping Tinnitus UK to identify potential areas for improvement and collaboration in tinnitus education and service delivery within UK audiology.

There are three surveys which reflect clinicians’ different experiences. One is for audiologists working within the NHS, one is for audiologists working in private practice and the final survey targets the university lecturers delivering audiology training.

The surveys will close on 28 November 2024.