Leave a legacy to Tinnitus UK

Could you give a gift of hope?

Could you give a gift of hope?

Imagine creating a lasting ripple effect of kindness extending beyond your lifetime. Leaving a gift to charity in your will is not just for the wealthy—it’s an opportunity for everyone to leave a meaningful impact. Legacy giving, charitable giving, and willwriting are powerful ways to make a difference.

Without the generosity of individuals like you, many cherished charities wouldn’t exist. Tinnitus UK, for example, relies on gifts left in wills to maintain essential services such as our helpline, information resources, professional training, and crucial research into managing and potentially curing tinnitus.

Despite financial challenges, three-quarters of people in the UK continue to support charities. Yet, only 9% would not consider leaving a gift to charity in their will after providing for loved ones. However, only a fifth of people have included a charitable legacy in their will.

You can change this. By leaving a modest gift to Tinnitus UK alongside provisions for your loved ones, you can transform lives. Your contribution, regardless of size, offers hope and improves the quality of life for thousands affected by tinnitus. Legacies like yours enable us to plan for the long term and continue our vital work.

Whether you choose a residuary, pecuniary, or specific legacy, your support is invaluable. Updating your will to include Tinnitus UK is simple and can be done through a codicil with a solicitor or professional will writer.

Moreover, leaving a gift to charity can reduce the tax burden on your estate, ensuring more of your assets make a difference.

You don’t need fame or fortune to leave a legacy of compassion. Remembering Tinnitus UK in your will makes a profound impact on the future.

For more information on legacy giving, charitable giving, and willwriting, please contact our fundraising team at 0114 250 9933.