AGM 2024

Join us online for Tinnitus UK’s AGM

Please join us online for Tinnitus UK’s AGM

Date: Tuesday 26 November

Time: 11:00 – 12:00

Location: Online via Zoom

Please register your attendance by clicking the button below or call us on 0114 250 9933

If you can not attend and require a proxy voting form please email

Company number: 02709302                                                         

Companies Acts 1985 to 2006

Notice of the Annual General Meeting of Tinnitus UK (“the Charity”)

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Charity will be held online via the Zoom platform at 11:00, Tuesday 26 November 2024.

Please register your attendance at: [INSERT LINK]

The business of the meeting will be to:

    1. Apologies for absence 
    2. Approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Monday 4 December 2023. 
    3. Receive and consider the Directors’ and Trustees’ Reports 
    4. Chair’s report on the year 
    5. Financial report 
    6. Receive and consider the annual audited accounts and reports for the financial year ended 31 March 2024  
    7. Items of note: TBC
    8. Elect/re-elect the following as Trustees of the Charity:  
      1. James Corcoran (for re-election) 
      2. Appointment of New Trustee
      3. Appointment of New trustee
    9. Delegate authority to the Trustees to appoint and fix the remuneration of auditors on an ongoing basis until this authority is revoked by a further members’ ordinary resolution 
    10. Any other business

The date of this notice is: 8 November 2024

By order of the Board:

Lynne Gillon signature




Lynne Gillon | Chair

Registered office of the Charity is: Unit 5 Acorn Business Park, Woodseats Close, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S8 0TB

Note: A member of the Charity who is entitled to attend and vote at the above-mentioned meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy who need not be a member of the Charity to attend and vote instead of them. A proxy form can be found within the meeting documents.