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Your Voice, Our Future – Manchester

Meet Tinnitus UK's new Chief Executive Alex Brooks-Johnson and share your thoughts about tinnitus and our charity

Event details


November 19


9:30 am - 12:00 pm


Event Category:


Tinnitus UK
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Venue details

Friends’ Meeting House 6 Mount Street Manchester M2 5NS United Kingdom Get directions

Alex Brooks-Johnson, CEO of Tinnitus UK, is coming to Manchester as part of his UK wide tour to learn more about the tinnitus community. Tinnitus affects one in seven people in the UK so he is looking forward to meeting as many of people as possible during his road trip.

Register to meet Alex and tell him what you think about our charity, the support and services we provide, and the wider challenges you face. The information we collect at these events will help shape Tinnitus UK’s future vision and direction.

This event is for people who live with tinnitus, General Practitioners, ENT specialists, audiologists and other clinicians and researchers who support people with tinnitus and anyone else who has an interest in Tinnitus UK.