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We are always keen to hear feedback on our activities, and how you feel about the work that we do. Please help us by completing a short questionnaire.

By Ben Menter · July 29, 2024

We are always keen to hear feedback on our activities, and how you feel about
the work that we do. We are also keen to find out how we make an impact in
society. We do this by calculating something called Social Return on Investment

Social Return on Investment is a framework by which charities and organisations
can measure the changes we make in people’s lives and gives them a monetary
value. This enables us to see how effectively we are using the donations we
receive, and we can see the value we generate for each pound we spend.

In order to make these calculations, we need information – and that’s where you
can help. We need to find out from as many people as possible how they have
changed after contact with Tinnitus UK.

We have a short questionnaire, which should take around 10 minutes to
complete, to help us find out about which areas of our work you have been
touched by. Please could you complete this as soon as possible by clicking on the button below? It’s completely