A research study on misophonia and hyperacusis

A team from the University of Surrey are assessing sensitivity to sound questionnaires and would like your help.

Hyperacusis and misophonia are conditions that can coexist with tinnitus, but the prevalence among tinnitus patients can vary. Participating in this research will provide valuable data to better understand the correlation of hyperacusis and misophonia in individuals with tinnitus. Your participation will contribute to our ability to explain and shed light on these associations. 

How can I help? 

PhD student researcher Fatma Betul Kula has created an online survey about sensitivity to sounds for you to complete.  

You can find the questionnaire here.

You will also be asked to report on your demographics, such as age, sex assigned at birth, education level, ethnic group etc.  

The research team are responsible for ensuring your participation is kept confidential, and any data is kept secure and used only as described in the information sheet which introduces the questionnaire. 

Your information may be subject to review for monitoring and audit purposes by individuals from the University of Surrey and/or regulators who will treat your data in confidence. 

Will I get paid for my time?  

As a thank you for your time, you can be entered into a prize draw to win one of four £25 Amazon vouchers. 

What if there is a problem?  

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to Fatma Betul Kula at f.kula@surrey.ac.uk or her supervisors, Professor Mark Cropley at M.cropley@surrey.ac.uk , Dr Hashir Aazh at h.aazh@surrey.ac.uk  

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