​“A cure for tinnitus would change my life”​

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​“A cure for tinnitus would change my life”​

Rebecca has had tinnitus since she was eight years old. Every day, it causes her to feel fear, worry and shame. This cannot go on. 

“Some days, particularly when I’m stressed or anxious, my tinnitus is so loud that it scares me. I feel as though I’m trapped inside a bubble of noise. A noise that could crush me. I won’t need to tell you that the fear only adds to my stress and anxiety, making the tinnitus even worse. It’s a vicious loop.

Most of the time, however, it’s not fear that I feel but shame. Every day, I have to ask people over and over again to repeat what they’ve said. It impacts my ability to socialise, my progression and concentration at work. My little boy shouts and cries because he thinks mummy is ignoring him again. But the truth is, my tinnitus is simply too loud for me to hear anyone – even him.”

Read Rebecca’s story.​

Make a gift of hope for a brighter future

“Your generous gift could change our current situation. By funding research to truly understand how tinnitus starts, why it persists and how to stop it once and for all. For people impacted by tinnitus each and every day: we must keep investing." Dr Will Sedley, Tinnitus Researcher and Consultant Neurologist

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Finding a cure for tinnitus

Tinnitus researcher and Consultant Neurologist, Dr Will Sedley, discuss the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead of finding a cure for tinnitus; from underfunding, inspiring new minds to investigate the condition, to a pill to quieten the tinnitus sound and the implications of a tinnitus biobank.

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