Join #TeamTinnitus and create your own challenge from baking to bungee jumping in support of people with tinnitus.
There are many ways you can fundraise for Tinnitus UK. Take a look below, or speak to our fabulous fundraising team.
Information and guidance about fundraising
Fundraising is fun and rewarding but there’s also some legal bits you need to know.
You must have a licence or permit from your local authority if you want to hold a street collection or collect in a public place. Anyone collecting in public must be over 16. Please contact us if you have any questions about collection permits or visit the Fundraising Regulator’s site HERE
If your raffle or draw lasts more than 24 hours you will need a local lottery licence from the council along with printed tickets, as there are a number of things that must be legally printed on each ticket. If your raffle is held within a 24 hour period, in one single venue, and is part of anyone event, you can use cloakroom tickets. More information is available on the Fundraising Regulator website.
For your own safety and security avoid counting money in public spaces. Try to take the cash to the bank as soon as possible after your event. For more information about handing cash please visit the Fundraising Regulator website here. As we become a cashless society, why not create a QR code so people can scan in public? Speak to our fundraising team for support on this.
Please take great care when handling food and work with basic rules for safe preparation, storage, display and cooking. Please see the ‘On the day’ section on the Fundraising Regulator website here.
If you want to sell alcohol at your event and the venue is not licenced, you will need an occasional licence from your local authority.
Make sure any electronic or paper records you keep about people involved in your fundraising activityis in line with GDPR. Ensure you keep everyone’s data safe and secure. Don’t share data with anyone else with the individual’s permission. Don’t keep information about people longer than you need to. For more information about data protection and GDPR, please see read the guidance here.
You can find more information about keeping your fundraising safe and legal on these websites:
Call 0114 250 9933