Tell your story

We want to hear your experiences of living with tinnitus

Has Tinnitus UK helped you? Or a Support Group had an impact on your life? If so, we want to hear from you!

If you have a story to tell, please share some brief details and we will get in touch if we want to interview you. We can’t get back to everybody, and some requests are for specific stories, but we want to hear all your stories so please send in.

Here are some prompts and questions to help you with your response:

About your tinnitus

• How long have you had tinnitus?

• What do you think caused it?

• How do you experience it? (types of noise etc.)

• When does it bother you most?

• How does it affect your work? Does it make any aspect of your job more difficult?

• How does it affect your family or relationships?

About your treatment

• Did you visit your GP about your tinnitus? Were they helpful?

• Did you visit a specialist about your tinnitus? Were they helpful?

• Were you offered any treatment? If so, what was it?

• Have you tried any alternative/complementary therapy? Was it helpful?

About you and Tinnitus UK

• How did you find out about the Tinnitus UK?

• How did you contact us?

• Was our information helpful?

About your hobbies/interests

• Do you have any hobbies or interests which help take your mind off your tinnitus?

• When you started out with tinnitus, did you ever imagine you would achieve what you have?

• What are your plans for the future?

Passing on your experience

• What do you wish you had known about tinnitus when you first experienced it?

• What advice would you give to someone with tinnitus?