
New regional support groups

New support groups are launching in Telford, Banbury and Coalville.

By Joanna March · April 5, 2024

We are pleased to announce that we are increasing local support for people living with tinnitus. Three new support groups are preparing to open their doors to people living in Telford, Banbury and Coalville. Tinnitus UK has more than 80 affiliated support groups across the UK and facilitates five online support groups including a specialist group for people living with tinnitus and sound sensitivity.

Our report ‘Revealing the struggle for silence’, published in February, uncovered an urgent need for more support. Peer support connects people living with tinnitus to others who understand them. This helps reduce feelings of isolation and helps to increase an understanding of how others manage their condition.

We remain dedicated to providing a range of services backed up by the latest research to help people live well with tinnitus. In addition to support groups, Tinnitus UK also offers a befriending service, telephone helpline, live webchat support, a chatbot named Axel as well as a wealth of information on our extensive website. We also facilitate a very active online patient forum.

Robin Greenwood, Interim Chief Executive of Tinnitus UK said “No-one should feel isolated because of their tinnitus diagnosis. We are working to increase the number of local support groups so that anyone living with tinnitus can connect with someone nearby. In addition to this we continually strive for a world where no-one suffers with tinnitus.”