Cambs Tinnitus Support Group

Contact details


01223 243570


Cambs Tinnitus Support Group
Meadows Community Centre
1 St Catherine's Road
Cambridge CB4 3XJ
United Kingdom

About the group

CTSG is a part of a network of other tinnitus support groups around the country affiliated with Tinnitus UK, and also enjoys a good supporting relationship with the Audiology Department at Addenbrooke’s Hospital.

For those with tinnitus, particularly if it is recently acquired, being able to talk to those with the condition is beneficial, and our meetings offer ample opportunity for this to happen. 

When the group meets

The group meets five times a year on Saturday mornings. These are the 3rd Saturday of February, April, June, September and November.

Time: Gather from 10am for 10:30am start. Finish ~12:30pm

2024 Meetings

  • 17 February.  “How the OTO app can help those with tinnitus”
    Speaker: Anna Pugh, Therapy Lead, OTO
  • 20 April. “An update on my tinnitus and hyperacusis research”. Dr Kathryn Fackrell, Tinnitus and Hyperacusis researcher.
  • 15 June. TBA
  • 21 September.
    Speaker: Robin Greenwood, Tinnitus UK
  • 18 November.  Self-Help session &  Bring & Share Brunch.
    Facilitator: Rachel Knappett