Thank you for making a donation

Your gift of hope will help fund world-class research into tinnitus, providing new and better treatment options that work for even more people. Thanks to you we’ll also be able to fund and raise awareness of life-changing support that could bring thousands of people back to their family and friends when tinnitus has left them feeling cut off and alone. Now and in the future.


If you made a Gift Aid declaration alongside your donation – thank you. This means that for every £10 you give, we can reclaim an additional £2.50 at no extra cost to you.

If you forget to make a Gift Aid declaration today, please don’t hesitate to contact us on 0114 250 9933 or at With your help, we can make your gift go even further.


Thank you again for giving people with tinnitus the hope for a brighter future. We look forward to keeping you updated about the appeal but, in the meantime, please take a look at the links below and find out about other ways you can ensure no one faces tinnitus alone and without hope.